Managing Pictures and Videos

  1. Tap Pictures and Videos to enter the Pictures and Videos page.
  2. Note: The files with are video files. The files without are pictures.

  3. (Optional) Perform the following operations on the Pictures and Videos page.
    • Tap a video file and tap 1 or 1 on the playing window to start playing, and then tap 1 to pause.
    • Tap a video file or a picture, and then tap 1to delete it.
    • Tap a video file or a picture, and then tap 1 to share the video file or the picture to other applications.
    • Tap Edit and select picture(s) and (or) video file(s), and then tap 1 to delete all the selected items.
    • Tap Edit and select picture(s) and (or) video file(s), and then tap 1 to share all the selected items to other applications.